Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD – Pada jenjang pendidikan Sekolah Dasar (SD), Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang diajarkan. Pada semester 1 dan 2 kelas 3 SD, materi Bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan meliputi kosakata sehari-hari, kalimat sederhana, tenses, pronoun, simple past tense, dan lain sebagainya.
Untuk membantu siswa belajar dan menguasai materi tersebut, guru dapat memberikan latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD semester 1 dan 2. Soal tersebut terdiri dari berbagai macam jenis soal, seperti pilihan ganda, isian singkat, dan uraian. Latihan soal tersebut bertujuan untuk mengukur pemahaman siswa dalam materi Bahasa Inggris yang telah diajarkan.
Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD semester 1 dan 2 yang kami sediakan mencakup berbagai topik seperti greetings, colors, numbers, family, animals, hobbies, daily routines, dan lain-lain. Selain itu, pada setiap soal, kami menyediakan kunci jawaban yang dapat menjadi acuan bagi siswa untuk memperbaiki jawaban mereka.
Dengan melakukan latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD semester 1 dan 2 secara rutin, siswa dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris mereka dan meraih prestasi yang lebih baik di sekolah. Oleh karena itu, sebagai guru atau orang tua yang peduli terhadap pendidikan anak-anak, memberikan latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD semester 1 dan 2 dapat menjadi salah satu cara yang efektif untuk membantu siswa menguasai materi Bahasa Inggris dengan baik.
Metode belajar yang praktis dan mudah sangat digemari oleh banyak anak, oleh karenanya untuk bisa membantu anak dalam belajar menggunakan bahasa inggris, cara yang paling praktis dan sederhananya adalah dengan menggunakan aplikasi latihan soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd lengkap dengan gambar, kunci jawaban dan cara pengejaannya Klik link di bawah ini
Daftar Isi :
Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD Semster 1 & Kunci Jawaban
Berikut ini adalah 20 contoh latihan soal bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD semester 1 beserta kunci jawabannya:
✔🔴 Fill in the blank with the correct word:
I have a __.
a. pencil
b. book
c. ruler
Jawaban: a. pencil
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
My mother is a _.
a. teacher
b. doctor
c. farmer
Jawaban: a. teacher
✔🔴 Match the words with the pictures:
a. Sun
b. Moon
c. Star
a. Sun
b. Moon
c. Star
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
I am _.
a. happy
b. sad
c. angry
Jawaban: a. happy
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
My favorite color is _.
a. red
b. blue
c. green
Jawaban: b. blue
✔🔴 Match the words with the pictures:
a. Cat
b. Dog
c. Fish
a. Cat
b. Dog
c. Fish
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
I _ to school every day.
a. walk
b. run
c. swim
Jawaban: a. walk
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
My sister likes to play _.
a. piano
b. guitar
c. drums
Jawaban: a. piano
✔🔴 Match the words with the pictures:
a. Apple
b. Banana
c. Orange
a. Apple
b. Banana
c. Orange
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
I am _ years old.
a. six
b. seven
c. eight
Jawaban: b. seven
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
My father is a _.
a. chef
b. engineer
c. musician
Jawaban: b. engineer
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
I _ my teeth every morning.
a. brush
b. comb
c. wash
Jawaban: a. brush
✔🔴 Match the words with the pictures:
a. Car
b. Bicycle
c. Bus
a. Car
b. Bicycle
c. Bus
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
My favorite fruit is _.
a. apple
b. banana
c. orange
Jawaban: b. banana
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
My favorite animal is a _.
a. dog
b. cat
c. fish
Jawaban: a. dog
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
I _ with my friends after school.
a. play
b. read
c. watch TV
Jawaban: a. play
✔🔴 Match the words with the pictures:
a. Chair
b. Table
c. Lamp
a. Chair
b. Table
c. Lamp
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
I like to eat _ for breakfast.
a. cereal
b. pizza
c. hamburger
Jawaban: a. cereal
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
My favorite subject is _.
a. math
b. science
c. social studies
Jawaban: a. math
Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD Semester 2 &Kurikulum Ajaran Baru
Buatkan 20 contoh latihan soal bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD semester 2 dan kunci jawaban
Berikut ini adalah 20 contoh latihan soal bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD semester 2 beserta kunci jawabannya:
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
I _ my hands before eating.
a. wash
b. comb
c. brush
Jawaban: a. wash
✔🔴 Fill in the blank with the correct word:
My favorite _ is strawberry.
a. fruit
b. vegetable
c. meat
Jawaban: a. fruit
✔🔴 Match the words with the pictures:
a. Bike
b. Skateboard
c. Roller skates
a. Bike
b. Skateboard
c. Roller skates
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
My mother likes to cook _.
a. spaghetti
b. hamburgers
c. tacos
Jawaban: a. spaghetti
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
I _ my shoes before going to bed.
a. tie
b. untie
c. wear
Jawaban: b. untie
✔🔴 Match the words with the pictures:
a. Elephant
b. Giraffe
c. Zebra
a. Elephant
b. Giraffe
c. Zebra
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
My favorite sport is _.
a. soccer
b. basketball
c. baseball
Jawaban: a. soccer
✔🔴 Fill in the blank with the correct word:
I have two _ and two sisters.
a. brothers
b. mothers
c. fathers
Jawaban: a. brothers
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
My favorite vegetable is _.
a. broccoli
b. carrots
c. potatoes
Jawaban: b. carrots
✔🔴 Match the words with the pictures:
a. Plane
b. Train
c. Boat
a. Plane
b. Train
c. Boat
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
I like to play _ with my friends.
a. hide and seek
b. tag
c. hopscotch
Jawaban: b. tag
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
I _ my bed every morning.
a. make
b. clean
c. fold
Jawaban: a. make
✔🔴 Fill in the blank with the correct word:
I like to read _ books.
a. story
b. history
c. science
Jawaban: a. story
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
My favorite animal is a _.
a. lion
b. tiger
c. bear
Jawaban: a. lion
✔🔴 Match the words with the pictures:
a. Clock
b. Calendar
c. Alarm
a. Clock
b. Calendar
c. Alarm
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
I _ my hair before going to school.
a. comb
b. brush
c. wash
Jawaban: a. comb
✔🔴 Fill in the blank with the correct word:
I like to play _ with my friends at recess.
a. soccer
b. jump rope
c. hopscotch
Jawaban: b. jump rope
✔🔴 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
My favorite holiday is _.
a. Christmas
b. Halloween
c. Thanksgiving
Jawaban: a. Christmas
Kumpulan Latihan Soal Esai Bahasa Inggris Untuk Anak Kelas 3 SD Semester 1 Dan 2
Berikut ini adalah 15 contoh soal esai bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD beserta jawabannya:
1.✔🔴 Describe your favorite animal and why you like it.
Jawaban: My favorite animal is a dog. I like dogs because they are loyal and friendly. They are also great companions and love to play.
2. ✔🔴 Write about your favorite food and how it is made.
Jawaban: My favorite food is pizza. It is made with dough, sauce, cheese, and toppings like pepperoni or mushrooms. First, the dough is rolled out, then the sauce and toppings are added, and finally it is baked in the oven.
3.✔🔴 Describe your morning routine before going to school.
Jawaban: In the morning, I wake up, brush my teeth, wash my face, comb my hair, get dressed, eat breakfast, and pack my backpack before going to school.
4.✔🔴 Write about a time when you helped someone.
Jawaban: I helped my little brother with his homework last night. He was struggling with his math problems, so I sat down with him and we worked on them together until he understood.
5.✔🔴 Write about your favorite hobby and why you enjoy it.
Jawaban: My favorite hobby is drawing. I enjoy it because it allows me to be creative and express myself. I also love seeing my ideas come to life on paper.
6.✔🔴 Describe a place you have visited and what you did there.
Jawaban: I visited the beach last summer. I swam in the ocean, built sandcastles, and played beach volleyball with my family.
7.✔🔴 Write about a book you have read recently and what you learned from it.
Jawaban: I read “The Cat in the Hat” recently. I learned that it is important to follow the rules, even when you are having fun.
8.✔🔴 Write about a time when you felt proud of yourself.
Jawaban: I felt proud of myself when I got an A on my math test. I had studied really hard for it and it paid off.
9..✔🔴 Describe your favorite sport and why you like it.
Jawaban: My favorite sport is basketball. I like it because it is fast-paced and requires a lot of teamwork. It is also a great way to stay active.
10.✔🔴 Write about a place you would like to visit and why.
Jawaban: I would like to visit Disneyland because I love amusement parks and Disney characters. It would be so much fun to ride the roller coasters and meet Mickey Mouse.
11.✔🔴 Describe your family and what you like to do together.
Jawaban: My family consists of my parents, my older brother, and me. We like to watch movies together, play board games, and go on bike rides.
12.✔🔴 Write about a time when you overcame a challenge.
Jawaban: I overcame my fear of heights when I went on a zip lining adventure with my family. It was scary at first, but once I got started, it was so much fun.
13.✔🔴 Describe a favorite memory from your childhood.
Jawaban: My favorite memory from my childhood is going to the park with my grandparents. We would have picnics, play on the swings, and feed the ducks in the pond.
14.✔🔴 Write about your favorite holiday and how you celebrate it.
Jawaban: My favorite holiday is Christmas. We celebrate by decorating the tree, baking cookies, and exchanging gifts with family and friends.
15.✔🔴 Describe a person who is important to you and why.
Jawaban: My best friend is important to me because she is always there for me when I need her. We have so much fun together and share a lot of the same interests.